OneNote/Teams a thread

OneNote Index Page

On Saturday 16th Jan 2021 there was a long thread on Twitter about using OneNote and Teams as a lesson delivery option.

Below is a overview of the key tweets from the thread

Lucy started by sharing this.

Lucy started by sharing this

Then we discussed students inserting work on OneNote pages rather than attaching to assignments so you can write directly on their work.

Uploding to OneNote

And if they can't do that, if they email the pictures inline you can 'Send to OneNote' from Outlook".

Send to OneNote

They need Teams and OneNote on their phone to access OneNote assignments on their phone.

Teams and OneNote

Recommendation to make sure you are using the latest desktop app of OneNote to help with sync issues.

Use OneNote for Windows 10

Another guide for linking assignments to Classs Notebook.

Elaine shared this

Use channels in your Teams to help students navigate. Create a moderated Channel to post assignments to.

Set assignment in channel
moderator settings
Channel overview

Then someone asked how you could use OneNote as a teaching tool - This first answer sums it up perfectly!

How to use OneNote
How to use OneNote

Some answers about how we use it.

How we use it
How we use it
How we use it
How we use it

But how to do you get the Ppt/Word docs/pdfs into the OneNote?

How to insert

And finally for those of you using Teams and OneNote.
The Class Notebook you see in Teams is running in the browser version of OneNote - for full functionality of OneNote please open this ClassNotebook in OneNote proper.

Use OneNote not Teams to access your Notebook

Apologies if I haven't mentioned your contributions here - it was a long a varied thread which branched several times - I hope I have captured the overview of it.